Promotional organization for enhancing cooperation
Field Representative
Field Representative
Hirokazu Tada
Osaka University
Graduate School of Engineering Science
The participants in this field of study are as follows: Group A01 will synthesize molecules that will be used as the raw materials, Group A02 will conduct research on the interface between a molecule and electrode, Group A03 will elucidate the characteristics of the devices, and Group A04 will design the intended functions of the systems. Because each group needs to proceed with their respective research while closely interacting with the other groups, a joint research promotion committee will be established for proactive cooperation.
- Administrative Officer (
- Yuko Inaba(Secretary), Ryoko Takeda (PR Secretary), Ryo Yamada (Associate Professor, Osaka Univ.)
- Evaluator
- Shinji Murai, Hidetoshi Fukuyama, Kazumi Matsushige
- Academic Investigators
- Yoshitaka Hamashima, Yumi Tanaka
A01 Precise molecular design and synthesis
Leader:Takuji Ogawa (Osaka UniversityGraduate School of Science Professor)
Synthesis and assembly of organic/inorganic molecular composites bearing non-symmetric and/or non-linear single molecule electronic properties

Research representative
Takuji Ogawa
Osaka University
Graduate School of Science

Member of the research project
Hirofumi Tanaka
Kyushu Institute of Technology
Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering

Member of the research project
Ken-ichi Yamashita
Osaka University
Graduate School of Science

Member of the research project
Yosuke Tani
Osaka University
Graduate School of Science
Preparation of Stimulus-Responsible Materials for Single Molecular Devices and their Functionalization

Research representative
Hidemitsu Uno
Ehime University
Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Member of the research project
Tetsuo Okujima
Ehime University
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Associate Professor

Member of the research project
Takahiro Nakae
Kyoto University
Institute of Advanced Energy
Assistant Professor

Researchers coordinated with
Shigeki Mori
Ehime University
Advanced Research Support Center
Assistant Professor
Development and investigation of new functional materials for molecular architectonics

Research representative
Yutaka Ie
Osaka University
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research(ISIR)
Associate Professor

Researchers coordinated with
Yoshio Aso
Osaka University
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR)

Research representative
Shohei Tashiro
The University of Tokyo
Graduate School of Science
Assistant Professor

Research representative
Hiroshi Nishihara
The University of Tokyo
School of Science

Research representative
Michio Matsushita
Nagoya University
Graduate School of Science
Associate Professor

Research representative
Jun Terao
University of Tokyo
Associate Professor
A02 Designing and Formation of Surface and Interface for Molecular Architectonic
Leader:Tadahiro Komeda (Tohoku UniversityInstitute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials Professor)
Investigation of Spin Dynamic at the Interface between Single-Molecule-Magnet and Substrate

Research representative
Tadahiro Komeda
Tohoku University
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Member of the research project
Tsuyoshi Takaoka
Tohoku University
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Member of the research project
Yasuyuki Sainoo
Tohoku University
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials
Assistant Professor
Atomic structure and electronic properties of adsorbate-substrate interface systems

Research representative
Hiroshi Ishida
Nihon University
College of Humanities and Sciences

Member of the research project
Tokuei Sako
Nihon University
College of Science and Technology
Associate Professor

Researchers coordinated with
Yoshitada Morikawa
Osaka University
Graduate School of Engineering

Member of the research project
Yuji Hamamoto
Osaka University
Graduate School of Engineering
Assistant Professor
Development of novel functional nanocarbon materials and device applications

Research representative
Kazuhiko Matsumoto
Osaka University
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research(ISIR)

Member of the research project
Koichi Inoue
Osaka University
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research(ISIR)
Associate Professor

Member of the research project
Kenzo Maehashi
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Institute of Engineering

Member of the research project
Yasuhide Ohno
Osaka University
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research(ISIR)
Building heterosystems for molecular architechtonics and exploring the quantum properties

Research representative
Noriaki Takagi

Member of the research project
Ryuichi Arafune

Research representative
Chiba University
Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science

Research representative
Yoshinori Yamanoi
The University of Tokyo
School of Science
Associate Professor

Research representative
Hiroshi Okuyama
Kyoto University
Graduate School of Science
Associate Professor
A03 Design and measurement of molecular function
Leader:Yoshihiro Asai (AISTResearch Center for Computational Design of Advanced Functional Materials (CD-FMat) Director, Research Center)
Non-equilibrium quantum transport theory for current and noise of single molecules and organized molecular networks

Research representative
Yoshihiro Asai
Research Center for Computational Design of Advanced Functional Materials (CD-FMat)
Director, Research Center

Member of the research project
Hisao Nakamura
Nanomaterials Research Institute
Senior Researcher

Member of the research project
Marius Bürkle
Research Center for Computational Design of Advanced Functional Materials Functional mathematical modeling Team
Charge and Spin Transport at Molecular Structures Studied by Functional Four-Tip STM

Research representative
Shuji Hasegawa
Spin transport through a single molecule by means of spin-polarized STM

Research representative
Toyokazu Yamada
Chiba University
Graduate School of Advanced Integaration Science
Associate Professor

Researchers coordinated with
Kohji Nakamura

Researchers coordinated with
Hideki Yorimitsu
Kyoto University
Graduate School of Science
Associate Professor
Preparation of Switching Devices Based on Single Molecules and Their Aggregates

Research representative
Hirokazu Tada
Osaka University
Graduate School of Engineering Science

Member of the research project
Ryo Yamada

Member of the research project
Shoji Tanaka

Yoshiaki Sugimoto
Tokyo University

Research representative
Yasuhisa Naitoh
Senior Researcher

Research representative
Hiroshi Sakaguchi
Kyoto University
Institute of Advanced Energy
A04 Design and measurement of cooperative functions
Leader:Seiya Kasai (Hokkaido UniversityResearch Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics Professor)
Implementation of information processing function on single-molecule-integrated networks and improvement of its reliability

Research representative
Seiya Kasai
Hokkaido University
Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics
Creation of molecular neural network based on electron transfer reaction

Research representative
Takuya Matsumoto

Researchers coordinated with
Hiroshi Ohoyama

Researchers coordinated with
Dock-Chil Che

Researchers coordinated with
Yoichi Otsuka
Towards noise-driven computing architectures for coarse-grained devices and materials

Research representative
Tetsuya Asai
Hokkaido University
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

Member of the research project
Takahide Oya
Yokohama National University
Graduate School of Engineering
Associate Professor

Research representative
Megumi Akai-Kasaya
Osaka University
Graduate School of Engineering
Assistant Professor

Research representative
Takeshi Yanagida

Waseda University
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering