Building heterosystems for molecular architechtonics and exploring the quantum properties
Research Aim
With this research, we will design appropriate molecule–electrode interactions and molecular junction positions with the aims of ‘emphasizing the inherent functions and characteristics’ and ‘expressing the unique physical properties that first manifest themselves in a heterosystem’.
Role and Need in the Group
We will build a heterosystem using the unique molecules synthesized by the A01 group and provide it to the other research groups for the construction of a model device that makes use of the characteristics of the molecule.
Research Content
We will expand the use of organometallic molecules and the novel molecules synthesized by the A01 group and use them with diverse substrates such as silicene, building a heterosystem that will serve as the foundation for supporting molecular architectonics. We will elucidate the effects caused by junctions for electron level, conduction properties and magnetism of the molecule. Thus, we will explorer novel quantum properties through joint engineering of the heterosystem.
[38] Visualizing Type-II Weyl Points in Tungsten Ditelluride by Quasiparticle Interference
C.-L. Lin; R. Arafune; R.-Y. Liu; M. Yoshimura; B. Feng; K. Kawahara; Z. Ni; E. Minamitani; S. Watanabe; Y. Shi; M. Kawai; T.-C. Chiang; I. Matsuda; N. Takagi Acs Nano, 11, 11459 - 11465, 2017 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b06179
[37] Structural Evolution of Bi Thin Films on Au(111) Revealed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
N. Kawakami; C.-L. Lin; K. Kawahara; M. Kawai; R. Arafune; N. Takagi Phys. Rev. B, 96, 205402-1 - 205402-9, 2017 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.205402
[36] Silicene on Ag(111)
N. Takagi; C.-L. Lin; R. Arafune Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry - Surface Science and Electrochemistry (Elsevier), in press, 2017
[35] Electron Transport through a Single Molecule in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Junction
N. Takagi; R. Hiraoka Molecular Architectonics - The Third Stage of Single Molecule Electronics, 355 - 379, 2017
[34] Transport Characteristics of a Silicene Nanoribbon on Ag(110)
R. Hiraoka; C.-L. Lin; K. Nakamura; R. Nagao; M. Kawai; R. Arafune; N. Takagi Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 8, 1699 - 1704, 2017 DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.8.170
[33] Single Molecule Quantum Dot as a Kondo Simulator
R. Hiraoka; E. Minamitani; R. Arafune; N. Tsukahara; S. Watanabe; M. Kawai; N. Takagi Nature Communications, 8, 16012-1 - 16012-7, 2017 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms16012
K. Kawahara; Z. Ni; R. Arafune; T. Shirasawa; C.-L. Lin; E. Minamitani; S. Watanabe; M. Kawai; N. Takagi Appl. Phys. Express, 10, 045702-1 - 045702-4, 2017 DOI: 10.7567/APEX.10.045702
[29] Comment on “Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling in Image Potential States”
R. Arafune; T. Nakazawa; N. Takagi; M. Kawai; H. Ishida Phys. Rev. Lettl, 117, 239701-1 - 239701-2, 2016 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.239701
[28] Linewidth analysis of image potential states on noble metal surfaces with high-energy resolved two-photon photoemission spectroscopy
T. Nakazawa; R. Arafune; N. Takagi; M. Kawai Surface and Interface Analysis, 48, 1194 - 1198, 2016 DOI: 10.1002/sia.6083
[27] Rashba splitting in image potential state investigated using circular dichroism two-photon photoemission spectroscopy
T. Nakazawa; N. Takagi; M. Kawai; H. Ishida; R. Arafune Physical Review, B 94, 115412-1 - 115412-9, 2016 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.115412
[26] Ag基板に成長させたシリセンの幾何構造と電子状態
高木紀明; C. -L. Lin; 荒船竜一 固体物理, 51, 357 - 369, 2016
[25] Model Hamiltonian approach to the magnetic anisotropy of iron phthalocyanine at solid surfaces
E. Minamitani; N. Takagi; S. Watanabe Physical Review, B 94, 205402-1 - 205402-15, 2016 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.205402
[24] Silicene on Ag(111): structure evolution and electronic structure Ag(111)
N. Takagi; C.-L. Lin; R. Arafune Silicene- structure, properties and applications (Eds. M. J. S. Spencer, T. Morishita, Springer2016), , 2016
[23] Spectroscopic identification of Ag-terminated “multilayer silicene” grown on Ag(111)
C.-L. Lin; T. Hagino; Y. Ito; K. Kawahara; R. Nagao; M. Aoki; S. Masuda; R. Arafune; M. Kawai; N. Takagi The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 120, 6689 - 6693, 2016 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b00717
[22] Determination of the geometric structure of “multilayer silicene” grown on Ag(111) by dynamical low energy electron diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy
K. Kawahara; T. Shirasawa; C.-L. Lin; R. Nagao; N. Tsukahara; T. Takahashi; R. Arafune; M. Kawai; N. Takagi Surface Science, 651, 70 - 75, 2016 DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2016.03.029
[21] Surface phonon excitation on clean metal surfaces in scanning tunneling microscopy
E. Minamitani; R. Arafune; N. Tsukahara; Y. Ohda; S. Watanabe; M. Kawai; H. Ueba; N. Takagi Phys. Rev. B, 93, 085411-1 - 085411-7, 2016 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.085411
[20] Impact of reduced symmetry on magnetic anisotropy of a single iron phthalocyanine molecule on a Cu substrate
N. Tsujkahara; M. Kawai; N. Takagi J. Chem. Phys., 144, 044701-1 - 044701-6, 2016 DOI: 10.1063/1.4940138
[19] One-dimensional edge state of Bi thin film grown on Si(111)
N. Kawakami; C. -L. Lin; M. Kawai; R. Arafune; N. Takagi Applied Physics Letters, 107, 031602-1 - 031602-4, 2015
[18] Pragmatic application of abstract algebra to two-dimensional lattice matching
K. Kawahara; R. Arafune; M. Kawai; N. Takagi e-Jounal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 13, 361 - 365, 2015
[17] Comparison between Electronic structures of monolayer silicenes on Ag(111)
C. -L. Lin; R. Arafune; M. Kawai; N. Takagi Chinese Physics B, 24, 087307-1 - 087307-5, 2015
[16] Electronic structure of the 4 × 4 silicene monolayer on semi-infinite Ag(111)
H. Ishida; Y. Hamamoto; Y. Morikawa; E. Minamitani; R. Arafune; N. Takagi New Journal of Physics, 17, 1, 015013 - [1-8], 2015/1/27 DOI: doi:10.1088/1367-2630/17/1/015013
[15] Silicene on Ag(1 1 1): Geometric and electronic structures of a new honeycomb material of Si
N. Takagi; C.-L. Lin; K. Kawahara; E. Minamitani; N. Tsukahara; M. Kawai; R. Arafune Prog. Surf Sci., 90, 1 - 20, 2015/Feburary/1 DOI: 10.1016/j.progsurf.2014.10.001
[9] Transport characteristics of a single C60-molecule junction revealed by multiple Andreev reflections
R. Hiraokoa; R. Arafune; N. Tsukahara; M. Kawai; N. Takagi Physical Review B, 90, 241405(R)-1 - 201405(R)-5, 2014/December/2 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.241405
[8] Electronic decupling by h-BN layer between silicene and Cu(111): A DFT based analysis
M. Kanno; R. Arafune; C.-L. Lin; E. Minamitani; M. Kawai; N. Takagi New J. Phys., 16, 105019-1 - 105019-10, 2014 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/16/10/105019
[7] Controlling orbital-selective Kondo effects in a single molecule through coordination chemistry
N. Tsukahara; E. Minamitani; Y. Kim; M. Kawai; N. Takagi J. Chem. Phys., 141, 054702 - [1-9], 2014 DOI: 10.1063/1.4890654
[6] Adsorbed states of iron(II) phthalocyanine on Ag(111) studied by high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy
N. Ohta; T. Arafune; N. Tsukahara; N. Takagi; M. Kawai Surface and Interace Science, 46, 12-13, 1253 - 1256, 2014/5/15 DOI: 10.1002/sia.5529
[5] Determination of atomic positions in silicene on Ag(111) by low-energy electron diffraction
K. Kawahara; T. Shirasawa; R. Arafune; C. -L. Lin; T. Takahashi; M. Kawai; N. Takagi Surface Science, 623, 25 - 28, 2014/1/15 DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2013.12.013
Building heterosystems for molecular architechtonics and exploring the quantum properties
Research Aim
With this research, we will design appropriate molecule–electrode interactions and molecular junction positions with the aims of ‘emphasizing the inherent functions and characteristics’ and ‘expressing the unique physical properties that first manifest themselves in a heterosystem’.
Role and Need in the Group
We will build a heterosystem using the unique molecules synthesized by the A01 group and provide it to the other research groups for the construction of a model device that makes use of the characteristics of the molecule.
Research Content
Papers List
現代化学, 563, 26 - 31, 2018
C.-L. Lin; R. Arafune; R.-Y. Liu; M. Yoshimura; B. Feng; K. Kawahara; Z. Ni; E. Minamitani; S. Watanabe; Y. Shi; M. Kawai; T.-C. Chiang; I. Matsuda; N. Takagi
Acs Nano, 11, 11459 - 11465, 2017
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b06179
N. Kawakami; C.-L. Lin; K. Kawahara; M. Kawai; R. Arafune; N. Takagi
Phys. Rev. B, 96, 205402-1 - 205402-9, 2017
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.205402
N. Takagi; C.-L. Lin; R. Arafune
Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry - Surface Science and Electrochemistry (Elsevier), in press, 2017
N. Takagi; R. Hiraoka
Molecular Architectonics - The Third Stage of Single Molecule Electronics, 355 - 379, 2017
R. Hiraoka; C.-L. Lin; K. Nakamura; R. Nagao; M. Kawai; R. Arafune; N. Takagi
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 8, 1699 - 1704, 2017
DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.8.170
R. Hiraoka; E. Minamitani; R. Arafune; N. Tsukahara; S. Watanabe; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
Nature Communications, 8, 16012-1 - 16012-7, 2017
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms16012
高木紀明; C.-L. Lin; 川合眞紀; 荒船竜一
応用物理, 86, 658 - 661, 2017
川合眞紀; 金有洙; 高木紀明
触媒, 59, 56 - 62, 2017
K. Kawahara; Z. Ni; R. Arafune; T. Shirasawa; C.-L. Lin; E. Minamitani; S. Watanabe; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
Appl. Phys. Express, 10, 045702-1 - 045702-4, 2017
DOI: 10.7567/APEX.10.045702
R. Arafune; T. Nakazawa; N. Takagi; M. Kawai; H. Ishida
Phys. Rev. Lettl, 117, 239701-1 - 239701-2, 2016
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.239701
T. Nakazawa; R. Arafune; N. Takagi; M. Kawai
Surface and Interface Analysis, 48, 1194 - 1198, 2016
DOI: 10.1002/sia.6083
T. Nakazawa; N. Takagi; M. Kawai; H. Ishida; R. Arafune
Physical Review, B 94, 115412-1 - 115412-9, 2016
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.115412
高木紀明; C. -L. Lin; 荒船竜一
固体物理, 51, 357 - 369, 2016
E. Minamitani; N. Takagi; S. Watanabe
Physical Review, B 94, 205402-1 - 205402-15, 2016
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.205402
N. Takagi; C.-L. Lin; R. Arafune
Silicene- structure, properties and applications (Eds. M. J. S. Spencer, T. Morishita, Springer2016), , 2016
C.-L. Lin; T. Hagino; Y. Ito; K. Kawahara; R. Nagao; M. Aoki; S. Masuda; R. Arafune; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 120, 6689 - 6693, 2016
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b00717
K. Kawahara; T. Shirasawa; C.-L. Lin; R. Nagao; N. Tsukahara; T. Takahashi; R. Arafune; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
Surface Science, 651, 70 - 75, 2016
DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2016.03.029
E. Minamitani; R. Arafune; N. Tsukahara; Y. Ohda; S. Watanabe; M. Kawai; H. Ueba; N. Takagi
Phys. Rev. B, 93, 085411-1 - 085411-7, 2016
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.085411
N. Tsujkahara; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
J. Chem. Phys., 144, 044701-1 - 044701-6, 2016
DOI: 10.1063/1.4940138
N. Kawakami; C. -L. Lin; M. Kawai; R. Arafune; N. Takagi
Applied Physics Letters, 107, 031602-1 - 031602-4, 2015
K. Kawahara; R. Arafune; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
e-Jounal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 13, 361 - 365, 2015
C. -L. Lin; R. Arafune; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
Chinese Physics B, 24, 087307-1 - 087307-5, 2015
H. Ishida; Y. Hamamoto; Y. Morikawa; E. Minamitani; R. Arafune; N. Takagi
New Journal of Physics, 17, 1, 015013 - [1-8], 2015/1/27
DOI: doi:10.1088/1367-2630/17/1/015013
N. Takagi; C.-L. Lin; K. Kawahara; E. Minamitani; N. Tsukahara; M. Kawai; R. Arafune
Prog. Surf Sci., 90, 1 - 20, 2015/Feburary/1
DOI: 10.1016/j.progsurf.2014.10.001
荒船竜一; C.-L. Lin; 高木紀明
日本真空協会「真空」, 57, 428 - 433, 2014
南谷英美; 荒船竜一; 山本真祐子; 高木紀明; 川合眞紀; 金有洙
日本表面科学会誌, 35, 409 - 414, 2014
塚原規志; 川合眞紀; 高木紀明
日本物理学会誌, 89, 777 - 782, 2014
荒船竜一; C.-L. Lin; 高木紀明
Journal of Surface Analysis, 21, 63 - 70, 2014
荒船竜一; 南谷英美; 高木紀明
光アライアンス, 25, 35 - 39, 2014
R. Hiraokoa; R. Arafune; N. Tsukahara; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
Physical Review B, 90, 241405(R)-1 - 201405(R)-5, 2014/December/2
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.241405
M. Kanno; R. Arafune; C.-L. Lin; E. Minamitani; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
New J. Phys., 16, 105019-1 - 105019-10, 2014
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/16/10/105019
N. Tsukahara; E. Minamitani; Y. Kim; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
J. Chem. Phys., 141, 054702 - [1-9], 2014
DOI: 10.1063/1.4890654
N. Ohta; T. Arafune; N. Tsukahara; N. Takagi; M. Kawai
Surface and Interace Science, 46, 12-13, 1253 - 1256, 2014/5/15
DOI: 10.1002/sia.5529
K. Kawahara; T. Shirasawa; R. Arafune; C. -L. Lin; T. Takahashi; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
Surface Science, 623, 25 - 28, 2014/1/15
DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2013.12.013
南谷英美; 塚原規志; 金有洙; 高木紀明
日本物理学会誌, 68, 162 - 166, 2013
中澤武夫; 荒船竜一; 森田和孝; 高木紀明; 川合眞紀
日本表面科学会誌, 34, 421 - 425, 2013
E. Minamitani; R. Arafune; M. Q. Yamamoto; N. Takagi; M. Kawai; Y. Kim
Physical Review B, 88, 224301, 2013/12/6
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.224301
N. Ohta; R. Arafune; N. Tsukahara; M. Kawai; N. Takagi
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117, 42, 21832 - 21837, 2013/10/11
DOI: 10.1021/jp406317t