Hamamoto Yuji

Hamamoto Yuji
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GroupGroup A02 Designing and Formation of Surface and Interface for Molecular Architectonic
Research TopicAtomic structure and electronic properties of adsorbate-substrate interface systems
Position in GroupMember of the research project
TitleAssistant Professor
AffiliationOsaka University
Graduate School of Engineering
Morikawa G
Address 565-0871
2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita
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Research AreasCondensed matter theory
KeywordsFirst principles calculation, graphene

Papers List


[1] Self-consistent van der Waals density functional study of benzene adsorption on Si(100)

Yuji Hamamoto; Ikutaro Hamada; Kouji Inagaki; Yoshitada Morikawa
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 93, 24, 245440-1 - 245440-9, 2016/6/30
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.245440